Opening a Professional Bank Account
Account opening,
Offshore company

We can introduce an account opening in most countries of the SEPA Zone with online or physical banks (E-Banking, Mastercard or Visa Card, E-commerce Account, Crypto Money, Noname Mastercard).
From 499.00 €.
Rates may vary depending on the country or the specificity of your request.
You can open a bank account in the country of your choice on request for quote and in case all necessary conditions are given. (Nationality of the manager, place of incorporation of the company, states and trades at risk).
Our partners offer all kinds of services: Swift, Currency, VISA or MASTERCARD cards, Internet Banking …) 60% of the opening of accounts are currently on Puerto Rico US, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malta, Cyprus, Latvia, Dubai. (Non exhaustive list)
Make the request via our form we will answer you quickly.
Euro area countries in the European Union
The SEPA Direct Debit Scheme has been implemented in all euro area countries:
- Austria
- Belgium
- Cyprus
- Estonia
- Finland
- ¹France
- ²Germany
- Greece
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- ³Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain⁴
1. Yes including the Aland Islands
2. Yesincluding French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin (French part), Reunion and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.
3. Including the Azores and Madeira
4. Y including the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla
Countries outside the euro zone in the European
UnionThe SEPA system currently applies in a complementary manner to national direct debits in SEPA countries that are not part of the euro area (see below). In these countries, it is still possible to receive payments via the two systems: SEPA for payments in euros and the national payment system in the currency of the country:
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- CzechRepublic
- Denmark
- Hungary
- Poland
- Romania
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
¹Including Gibraltar
SEPA countries outside the European Union
SEPA system is currently operating in six additional countries, in parallel with the national withdrawal systems, in countries that have not adopted the euro:
- Iceland
- Liechtenstein
- Norway
- Monaco
- Switzerland
- Saint-Marino
20 ans d'expérience dans l'optimisation fiscales
Nous sommes réputés pour offrir les meilleures normes de pratique des affaires dans un environnement légal, et ce dans le meilleur intérêt du client. Ayant à l’esprit des lois et règlements sur la prévention du blanchiment, nous mettons en œuvre des procédures strictes de contrôle des risques.
de confiance